"This is how all will know that you are my disciples, 

if you have love for one another."
-John 13:35


The prayer chain exists as a way of sharing prayer concerns and needs with our community of faith.  

When you or someone you know is in the midst of a personal struggle, physical, mental, or emotional pain – it’s helpful to know that there are people lifting your needs to God in prayer.  

If you have a prayer request, please email Dave Sauerbrey
or use the bulletin tear off sheet and drop it in the offering plate.  You can also let us know if your request is to be kept confidential or added to the congregational prayer list.


Deacons are “people people”.  His or her heart goes out to those in distress: to members who have suffered loss; to neighbors in the hospital, to a friend who lost a job; to new parents who are confronted with the wonderful and challenging changes to life; to new members who need a word of welcome; to members who are shut-in and lonely; to people in the community who’ve lost their way and can no longer find God; to the economically oppressed who don’t have adequate places to live or enough to eat; to anyone who needs to experience the love of Christ in concrete ways.  

Learn more about our Deacon care at EWPC.

Prayer Shawls

Our prayer shawl group meets to hand craft beautiful, one-of-a-kind shawls that we gift to bless others within our community. And we have lots of fun while we’re at it!  

Learn More.